

Welcome to our group!

Our focus to cover wider issues and support innovation in all matters relating to older care. Our very lively and expressive membership is already generating a huge number of projects and events to support IHSCM members and wider audiences.

Donna Little (Advanced Clinical Practitioner at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) Chair of Frail Older Care & Dementia SIG


Frail Older Care and Dementia

Our Frail Older Care SIG and Dementia SIG combined to create a SIG that covers wider issues and supports innovation in all matters relating to older care. Its very lively and expressive membership is already generating a huge number of projects and events.

If you are interested and would like more information please get in touch.

Next Meeting

Thursday 24th March 1-2pm

Previous Meeting Resources

The Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument.

Volunteer as a telephone befriender | Age UK

Quality statement 4: Discharge plans | Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs | Quality standards | NICE

PLEASE ANSWER – YouTubeThis video is presented by Health Service 360 as part of the #EndPJparalysis campaign. This is the story of far too many older people, it’s time to change this. Every one of us can help someone stay connected to their life, their family, or their community. 

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