PG Slots Cassino Digital Health – IHSCM PG Slots CassinoPG Slots Cassino PG Slots Cassino

Welcome to our group!

Our group focuses on best practice in digital health technology, supporting members to contribute to decision making, procurement, implementation and use. It has a rapidly growing membership with a range of plans for events and content.

David Kwo, Chair of Digital Health SIG.

Digital Health

Our Digital Health SIG focuses on best practice in digital health technology, supporting members to contribute to decision making, procurement, implementation and use. 

Health and Social Care in a Digital Age: 
A special insight report from the IHSCM and Cerner

Whilst Covid19 has brought bereavement, grief and sorrow across the whole of health and social care it has also brought an immense acceleration and necessity-driven commitment to embrace new ways of working – many of which are driven by the adoption of health information technologies (HIT) and digital approaches to delivering health and social care.

This IHSCM Special Insight Report focuses on what has been achieved in HIT and digital technology and looks forward to addressing the key question of what happens next.

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