
Welcome to our group!

Our focus is to help IHSCM members to feel they can tell us about their carbon reduction and sustainability initiatives and help implement these initiatives. Our group also aim to help organisations reach Net Zero Emissions, welcoming new members to the group and networking opportunities.

Elaine Mead (Executive Director of Improvement, Care and Compassion, IC&C) Chair of Greener Care SIG


Greener Care

Resource Portal

The Greener Care SIG highlights environmental sustainability and carbon reduction best practice. It has a large and lively membership with regular events and meetings.

If you would like to get in touch with your carbon reduction initiatives, so that we can help you implement them, please get in touch.

Shared Resources

Centre for Sustainable Healthcare resources:

Join the Greener NHS Community:

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH) offers a wide range of information, education and networking opportunities for sustainable healthcare and improvement, below is a link to the CSH website which explains what we do and resources available: 
Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) | Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Below is a link to the SusQI website which offers a range of resources for those undertaking a sustainable QI project and to support those who teach QI and want to embed sustainability principles into your teaching.
There are a range of open resources on the site, including a step-by-step guide to running a sustainability focused QI project
Step-by-step guide
Below is a link to information about our SusQI academy which provides bespoke support to individuals or organisations to embed sustainability into their QI education, training and practice by training key staff to become SusQI leads. It is available to those working within health professions education and/or in quality improvement, service transformation and health service delivery.
SusQI Academy
Link to information about the Green Ward competition, which includes links to case study reports
Green Ward Competition
And a link to the CSH networks, where there are a range of professional and speciality specific networks and a searchable resource library
CSH Networks
  • The Greener NHS Community is for anyone in the NHS who is passionate and enthusiastic about contributing to a net zero NHS and wants to do more.
  • Greener NHS Community members will spread the word about a Greener NHS, build anticipation about big events and moments, help engage with other people locally and share their views and insights to inform national and regional plans.
  • Being a Greener NHS Community member shows that you support the pioneering work of the NHS to become the world’s first net zero health system.
  • Find out more

The Academy of Fabulous Stuff Campaign:

A place where we can share innovations and solutions that are being used within health and social care, sharing ideas on how to reduce the impact on public health and the environment, save money and – eventually – go net carbon zero. This page will bring together a growing library of ideas and solutions to help you with your carbon footprint.

Breaking the Mould for Joined-Up Sustainable Care:

We held our 3rd Annual Greener Care Conference online on Wednesday 10th May. We heard from IHSCM members who are making a difference through sustainable innovation to improve patient care, reduce carbon across health and social care, and showcasing best practice solutions for greener care. Members, and our Operations Manager, also recently joined a panel on Breaking the Mould for Joined-Up Sustainable Care recently at the Health Plus Care Show. You can read an article about their top-tips and discussion points here:

And if you missed our Greener Care Conference, you can catch-up now via the boxset here:

Video Resources & Past SIG Events

Greening University Hospitals for a healthy community

Green Health Routes
The Secret To Talking About Climate Change

Your Carbon Footprint explained

IHSCM Greener Care Special Interest Group Meeting, Dec 2023
‘Go Green’
Greening Confidential Waste
Improving Patient Outcomes using Sustainable & Patient-Focused Alternatives
Grace Cares: Breaking the Mould for Joined-up Sustainable Care
Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI): What, Why and How?
IHSCM Greener Care Conference 2023 | Elaine Mead – Keynote
Healthcare Without Harm’s Global Green and Healthy Hospital Network Project.
 The UK’s award winning, greenest health centre built to meet Passivhaus standards 
Greening Royal Wolverhamption NHS Trust Services: Success and Challenges
Sunscreens and protection without causing harm to sealife
Williams Medical Green Plan – the journey so far & thanks and close
IHSCM Greener Care Conference | Welcome & ICS for Devon Green Plan – Devon’s Journey
IHSCM Greener Care Conference | Greener care in the social care sector
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Green Plan – the journey so far
IHSCM Greener Care Conference | How to have conversations about sustainability & training
The benefits of bringing the outside in for health
Greening Orthotics Services at Royal Wolverhamption NHS Trust
Greening Transport for the NHS
Decarbonising the NHS Estate

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