HCA membership consists of care providers of Residential, Domiciliary, Nursing, Learning Difficulty and Mental Health homes.
HCA work with:
Hampshire County Council (HCC)
Portsmouth City Council (PCC)
Southampton City Council (SCC)
HCA also continue to negotiate passionately with all of the above for a Fair Price for Care.
Berkshire Care Association are the voice of Adult Social Care Providers in Berkshire, deliver the highest possible standards of care and support by the sharing of knowledge, skills, and best practice.
The are also the voice of care providers in Berkshire and work with partners across the health and social care sector to ensure that the voice of care providers are heard.
OACP is a membership organisation for all providers of adult social care in Oxfordshire.
Members are from:
Care homes
Community support services
Home care
Voluntary Sector
They are a contact point for all social care providers and share and promote good practice through their networks and learning exchanges.