Special Interest Group Reports
IHSCM Member Response to Government White Paper Proposal: The Future of Health & Social Care
A huge thank you to all our members who responded to our survey on the White Paper. Â
Integrated Care: A Green Paper from the IHSCM Integrated Care Special Interest Groups
The IHSCM Integrated Care Special Interest Group is pleased to announce the launch of its Green Paper. The group have shared examples of integrated care, often at grass roots level. This report highlights a number of those examples with the purpose of sharing them wider, inspiring action and identifying recommendations for government, policy makers and leaders. Our big thanks go to the group members for their contribution and insight.
Health and Social Care in a Digital Age: A special insight report from the IHSCM and Cerner
The year 2020 has been remarkable and transformative on many levels. Whilst Covid19 has brought bereavement, grief and sorrow across the whole of health and social care it has also brought an immense acceleration and necessity-driven commitment to embrace new ways of working – many of which are driven by the adoption of health information technologies (HIT) and digital approaches to delivering health and social care. This IHSCM Special Insight Report focuses on what has been achieved in HIT and digital technology and looks forward to addressing the key question of what happens next?
Workforce Wellbeing: A Guide For Members
Workforce Wellbeing is at the heart and start of consistent high performance in any organisation – and none has perhaps been put under such sustained pressure as that of the NHS and social care in recent months. This IHSCM Special Guide is curated by the IHSCM and is conceived and designed by our members based on their own experiences and insights of workforce wellbeing. It provides you with a range of practical solutions, tried and tested in various NHS and social care settings, that allows workforce wellbeing to be boosted and maintained.
IHM Management and Regulation Survey 2019: Results and Next Steps
In April 2019 the IHM undertook a public, anonymous survey to understand more about how management should be regulated. We received 222 responses. We have collated your multiple choice responses into this report and we are currently working to pull together a further report which details the common themes mentioned in the many free text comments you kindly provided for us.
STP Report: Swimming together or Sinking Alone
Swimming together or sinking alone, is a report based on revealing interviews with senior leaders in health and local government on what is really happening as managers grapple with the Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) process. Written by journalist and policy expert Richard Vize, Swimming together or sinking alone analyses the difficulties these new, highly pressured networks are experiencing, and identifies how healthcare managers need to think and act differently to make systems leadership a success.
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